Back in April, we were able to purchase 5 day park hoppers to Disney for a really great price. We went for 2 nights with Summer's family, but left Audrey with Grammy and Poppy (Braxton). Since we still had more visits to burn and since Audrey now loves princesses, we decided to take a no-pressure trip to Disney yesterday with Nana and Papa. By "no-pressure" I mean that we were only going to do as much as Audrey could handle, and only those things she would "get." She's not really ready for a full day at Disney, but she was certainly ready to meet the princesses.
When we first arrived, Audrey noticed Cinderella's castle right away. And a show had just begun.
This is her expression when 3 princesses came on stage.
This is the kiddie roller coaster in ToonTown called Barn Stormers. It was more aggressive than I imagined a child's roller coaster would be, but of course my little thrill seeker loved it.
Next up: Meet the princesses!! We didn't know what to expect from our Shy Girl. She was still shy, but walked up to each princess on her own. And even spoke a few times.
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) was by far the best princess we met. She was so sweet to Audrey and stayed in perfect royal character the whole time.
Audrey wanted to see Aurora's kiss on her face.
Another ride Audrey wanted to do again. There was no repeating anything. We have never seen Disney so crowded in the dozens of times that we have been.