Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gingerbread House

We made our first ever gingerbread house on Christmas Eve. I've always wanted to do this, and thought this year was a great time to start the tradition because Audrey is old enough to help. Since we were staying  in a condo, we didn't have an electric mixer so the icing ended up too runny which allowed for lots of licking.

so much candy

Most of the pictures look like this

Notice the little finger tracks? Hmmm....

She was even dragging Daddy into her icing swiping. Of course he preferred the more direct tube-to-mouth technique.

Ta-Da! The finished product. Like my icicles?


Leanne said...


Kevin, Somer & Garrett said...

I so wanted to do this with Garrett but didn't :(. Your house turned out great!!