Friday, July 4, 2008

Audrey's Independence Day

Audrey and I spent most of our day playing at Grandma and Grandpa Braxton's house today. Audrey wanted to show off how she is able to walk 5 whole steps, but instead walked about 8 feet and then around 10 feet, surprising us all. Of course, Mommy did not have the video camera (I just need the thing implanted in my forehead.). But when we got back home, we had to show Nana and Papa, too, and caught it on video this time. Uh-oh... it has begun! (Thanks to Nana for the great blog title.)

1 comment:

Kevin, Somer & Garrett said...

Yea Audrey!!! We are sooo proud of you! I think Mommy needs to get her running shoes ready!! :)