Friday, April 24, 2009

Smoothie Queen

After a long unproductive day of house hunting, we stopped for a fruit smoothie. Andy and I put our cups down on the table to do some serious grown-up talking and weren't paying much attention to the little one. When we went for another sip, we discovered this:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nature Trail

We went for a walk tonight down one of the many trails here on base. Audrey LOVED being outside and had to give good-bye hugs to all the logs when we left.

So excited to be in PaPa's forest

Catching Daddy.... she ran most of the trail because she was so excited to be surrounded by so many sticks and trees.
Yes, it's cold here. High 50s, low 60s and windy. And yes, the jacket is too small. Time to get a new one.... but what Floridian buys a jacket at the end of April. It's just not natural.


There are a lot of dandelions on base. Audrey can not walk by one without trying to blow off the "petals." She usually needs help.

Road Trip

We took 4 days to reach Ft. Belvoir, VA mainly because the AF gave us that many days. It was really nice to only spend about 4 hrs in the car each day. Audrey did so well! We'd leave each morning after breakfast and stop at an outlet mall to kill an hour before lunch and to let Audrey run around. Once back in the truck, Audrey would sleep and we would almost make it to our stopping point before she woke up. a great way to travel. Here are some fun pix form along the way taken with my iPhone so please excuse the poor quality.

She LOVED this bike (hint hint grandparents) and kept saying, "Jay Jay" while riding it. Her only other encounter with a big bike was one her cousin Jay rides.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy (??) Easter!

Wow! What a day! The devil was pulling overtime trying to get our focus off of celebrating Christ's resurrection.... from a whiney baby making us late for church, to spilling hot squash on my dress and down my leg, to missing naptime, to not getting any good pictures of "the dress," to getting locked out of the house right when whiney baby finally fell asleep...ugh! BUT we did manage to realize that it was all a way to try to make us forget why we put on our best clothes, attend a special service and spend time with family on this day. We didn't forget, and we hope you didn't miss it either. Christ took on YOUR punishment of death... and then conquered it. What a mighty God we serve!

"Pack Pack"

Andy and I went to Disney with my family for a couple of days WITHOUT Audrey. (Grandma and Grandpa Braxton watched her.) We brought Audrey home a Minnie backpack. I wish we hadn't though because she looks like she's ready for school :( Oh, and the hat is a necessity when going outside with Grandpa.

"Ning nings"

Audrey loves earrings already. (I should've gotten her ears pierced when she was tiny....ugh.) She calls them "ning nings." We HAD to pull out the camera when I realized the pair I was wearing could be hooked onto her ear. She loved it!


Daddy brought out his tackle box full of rubbery fish and lizards and Audrey was in heaven!! Even the slimy ones were a hit. Ever since Daddy taught her how to say fish back in July, they have been her favorite animal.

Excited about her collection of ucky fish on the table behind her

Thanks for sharing, Daddy

It's over!!

We made it! Andy's year-long deployment is over!! We thought it would be neat to compare pictures from the day Andy left until his deployment was over, but it actually just made us sad.... there's so much that he missed :( BUT it's over and we're all together and having a blast. We're heading for our new home in VA on Saturday.

April 2008

April 2009