Sunday, November 29, 2009

Look What Aunt Jenn found for $3!!!

She kind of likes it.

And everyone knows princesses help those in need.

Kara fell and Audrey said, "I help her up." She walked over to Kara and said, "Hold out your hand." Kara did, and Audrey (sorta) pulled her up. Kara thought that was a hoot, so she walked ten steps, plopped down on her butt with a smile, and held her arm up. So cute!!

Isn't my youngest niece adorable? My siblings and I make some wonderful and cute kids.

Disney Pajama Party

The Disney Store had a Pajama Party a couple weekends ago. We knew it would be fun for Audrey to put her princess PJs and slippers on and head to her favorite store. They had coloring pages for the kids when we first got there. Then they played a pictionary type game, passed out snacks, and had storytime. Audrey loved it!! Andy expected more from DISNEY, but I reminded him it was the store, not the park. LOL!

Friday, November 20, 2009

School Feast

Audrey had a Thanksgiving feast at school yesterday. Before they ate, the kids sang a turkey song. I am so proud of my girl!!! She was the only one in her class to do the dance moves, and she beamed the whole time. I just wish I had the video camera instead. I had no idea what to expect.