Audrey will officially be 4 months old tomorrow, but she had her check-up today. She now weighs 16 lbs. 1.5 oz . and is 26 1/4 in. long!! The first thing the doctor said when he came in was, "She's growing great!" In 2 months, Audrey has gained 3 lbs and almost 3 in. in length. She's beautiful! Get this: Audrey rolled over for the first time right there in the doctor's office! The nurse was in earlier and asked us the typical "milestone" questions, and when she asked if Audrey was rolling over yet we had to tell her "no." She left and I put Audrey on the patient bed thing on her tummy while we waited for the doctor. And she rolled over!! I put her back on her tummy and she did it again. Andy was there too, so it was neat that we both witnessed this "first." Later, we told the doctor about it, so he put her on her belly and she rolled over for him, too. Our girl sure knows how to meet a deadline, but she seems to be a procrastinator. I wonder where she gets that from?

Notice how Audrey tilts her head to her left? This is called torticolis (or wryneck). She will have to do physical therapy to correct it. Thank the Lord that she does not have a severe case of torticolis AT ALL and since it's been diagnosed so early, physical therapy should correct it beautifully. It could have been caused by her collarbone fracture or from being cramped in my womb. Both are logical explanations.

Wanted to show off one of her band-aids. She's such a tough girl! Of course she cried like crazy for the shots, but she calmed down within a minute afterwards and even gave us some smiles.

Look how long these legs are? I wish I hadn't cut them off with the camera. Yes, the diaper is too big. We ran out of size 2s and all we had was a case of size 3s that Shannon gave us. They came up to her chest so I had to fold them down :)